Platform for Interreligious Dialogue among Arab Countries Launches in Vienna

  • 2/28/2018
  • 00:00
  • 5
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The Vienna-hosted conference bringing together cultural and religious leadership launched on its final day a platform encouraging interreligious dialogue among Arab leaders. Saudi-sponsored King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue KAICIID sent out the invitation for the initiative. Participants at the Vienna conference stressed the importance of upholding the value of dialogue, promoting coexistence and establishing the foundations of citizenship to spare Arab societies the scourge of war and violence, especially in the name of religion, as well as the dangers of fanaticism and extremism. They also called for working together to promote moderation, understanding and cooperation through meaningful and sincere dialogue based on the will for living harmoniously together and fostering an environment with religious, ethnic and cultural diversity. Representatives from Saudi Arabia, Spain and Austria, the three countries involved in the establishment of KAICIID, gave speeches on the occasion. About 250 senior religious leaders and a number of decision-makers participated in discussions on launching a platform for dialogue among Arab religious leaders. KAICIID Chief Faisal bin Muammar said that the center, since its launch in 2014, helped encourage interreligious dialogue in the Middle East and the Arab world and served as an arena to combat the misuse of religion to fuel hatred and violence. “Religion, especially in the Arab world, is a powerful motivating force and a source of shared identity for millions of people. For too long we have allowed religion to be hijacked and used as justification for causing pain and suffering. With the launch of this platform, the leaders of religious communities say "enough to this manipulation and misuse," Muammar said at the launch of the platform. “There has been enough talk, and not enough action. Through this platform, we will set a visible, tangible example of interreligious cooperation. People need to see that religious communities, working together, are much stronger than any extremists and that cooperation brings concrete benefits to everyone,” he added. Saudi Foreign Affairs State Minister Dr. Nizar Madani reviewed Saudi efforts to establish values ​​of social justice. He warned against the dangers of linking violence and terrorism to a specific religion. He called for strengthening values ​​of peace and confronting voices calling for a clash of civilizations. Madani said that the Saudi position is rooted in both the rejection of all hate crime and condemnation of any crime committed in the name of religion. He affirmed Saudi Arabias continued support for humanitarian initiatives aiming at supporting peace, creating a healthy environment, spreading the values ​​of dialogue, tolerance and moderation, building relations of cooperation and peace between cultures and peoples, and warning against extremism, intolerance and exclusion.

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