Yemeni Army Sweeps Hodeidah Airport, Provides Safe Passage to Civilians

  • 6/17/2018
  • 00:00
  • 4
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Yemeni forces, supported by the Saudi-led Arab coalition, began on Saturday to open safe passages to civilians west of Hodeidah airport. The forces had captured the airport from the Iran-backed Houthi militias on Saturday. The militants had used the civilians as human shields during the battles in the region. Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi hailed on Saturday the “major roles” played by the Arab coalition in ending the Houthi coup and recapturing territories they had seized. Relief aid convoys, offered by the coalition, departed Aden towards Yemen’s west coast as military operations to liberate the rest of Hodeidah continued. Operation Golden Victory to liberate the province and its strategic port was launched on Wednesday. The Yemeni forces, meanwhile, swept on Saturday Hodeidah airport amid ongoing clashes. Director of the Yemeni military command’s media center Saleh al-Qotaibi told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Houthis fled the fighting “in droves”, revealing that the army has detained 20 of their members. He underlined the importance of liberating Hodeidah city, saying it is a significant source of income for the Houthis that are abusing relief aid for their war effort. This sparked famine among Hodeidah residents, he added. Moreover, the liberation of the region will cut off military supplies and Houthi smuggling operations. Field sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Yemeni forces kicked off on Saturday efforts to secure Hodeidah airport and dismantle mines that have been planted in its surroundings ahead of breaching it from the southwestern front. Clashes with the Houthis have been reported east of the airport and west near the village of Manthar. The legitimate forces are seeking to advance north to surround Hodeidah city simultaneously with operations west of the airport to secure Manthar. Residents of the village have been besieged for days and used as human shields by the Houthis. Residents near the airport told Asharq Al-Awsat that the militias intensified in recent days their planting of mines and setting up of cement barriers in Manthar. They also deployed snipers on village rooftops. Field sources predicted that completely securing Hodeidah airport will take more time given the landmines in the area.

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