Saudi Arabia has a true and dedicated friend in Georgia

  • 5/25/2021
  • 00:00
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Georgia celebrates its National Day on Wednesday. This year marks 103 years of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, as well as the 30th anniversary of the restoration of independence from the Soviet Union. We are a young yet ancient country, with a newly fledged statehood and a rich history. The Georgian language is one of the oldest and most unique in the world; hence the script is recognized by UNESCO as part of the intangible heritage of humankind. Since regaining independence in 1991, the road to transformation has not been easy. On the way to building a unified, democratic state we have had strong support from our allies on the one hand and strong resistance from our rivals on the other. While the Russian Federation continues its illegal occupation of the indissoluble regions of the country — Abkhazia and Tskhinvali/South Ossetia — Georgia is pursuing a policy of peacefully restoring its territorial integrity. We use this occupation as a constant reminder of the need to strengthen our state institutions further and continue the most radical liberal reforms in the field of the economy. As a result, Georgia has today become one of the world’s most attractive countries for foreign investors. Georgia is ranked seventh on the World Bank Doing Business 2020 list, while also being 12th on the Heritage Foundation’s 2021 Index of Economic Freedom. Georgia’s solid free trade agreement network, which includes the EU, China and all our neighbors, gives access to a 2.3 billion-strong consumer market. Thanks to its geographic location as a bridge between Europe and Asia, Georgia has always been at the crossroads of key trading routes. Nowadays, our strategic situation plays an important role in the country’s economy and development. Georgia has established itself as a reliable transit partner and key actor in the transport axis between east and west. All the above mentioned, together with its stable development, liberal and free-market economic policy, and simplified administrative procedures create solid ground for successful business in Georgia. The past 30 years of independence have demonstrated Georgia’s strong European aspirations and are reflected in its ever-closer integration with the EU. The country has become one of the closest and most reliable partners in the bloc’s neighborhood. We continue to deliver on our commitments, aiming to open up new opportunities for bringing the EU and Georgia closer together until both partners are ready for the next big step — Georgia’s accession to the union. Georgia has expressed its political will and commitment to officially submit a membership application in 2024. Over the past three decades, Georgia’s NATO integration process has progressed drastically. Dynamic and substance-driven relations have led to Georgia being a NATO aspirant country with all the practical tools to prepare for membership in the alliance. While pursuing its policy of Euro-Atlantic integration, Georgia looks forward to a qualitatively different relationship with our friends. Needless to say, Saudi Arabia is among them and it gives me particular pleasure that, since the opening of our respective embassies, the relationship between our countries has been constantly deepening. A number of high-level visits have been exchanged and agreements signed, but I am especially happy and proud with the rapidly developing person-to-person relations and the area which is of utmost importance for both countries — tourism. The trips I have made and sites I have visited since my arrival in Saudi Arabia two years ago have especially marked and impressed me in two ways: The natural beauty of the Kingdom and the speedy and quality development of tourism infrastructure by the Saudi authorities. These factors, combined with the famous Saudi hospitality, make me confident that the Kingdom will become one of the main tourist destinations in the world in the near future. In this regard, it seems to me absolutely natural that Riyadh will host the Middle East regional office of the UN World Tourism Organization. As a Georgian, it gives me pride that the UN global entity for tourism is led by my compatriot Zurab Pololikashvili. Georgia has established itself as a reliable transit partner and key actor in the transport axis between east and west. Vakhtang Jaoshvili Georgia has also found its place on the world tourism map and, thanks to its captivating nature, unique culture and its hospitality, attracted more than 8.5 million foreign visitors in 2019, more than double its own population. I am particularly happy to observe that an increasing number of Saudi citizens are choosing Georgia as a tourist destination. In 2018, the number was 50,000, but in 2019 more than 75,000 citizens of the Kingdom crossed our border. In the current situation, Saudi Arabia was one of the first countries to which Georgia reopened its borders earlier this year and, as a result, today we have 21 direct flights per week connecting the different cities of our two countries. In this regard, I urge all Saudis to take a three-hour flight to visit Georgia and discover this country of fantastic mountains and lively Black Sea coast, plus thousands of rivers and crystal-clear lakes. Most importantly, Saudi Arabia has in Georgia a true and dedicated friend. Happy National Day. Vakhtang Jaoshvili is Georgia’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Disclaimer: Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect Arab News" point-of-view

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