Nature and its Resplendence All buds sprouted Into flowers, to fruits, succulent, Juices trickled down. Black Skin, Rainbow Emotions Skin’s black, colorful Is mind, so are emotions, blue, green— Like flowers and foliage. Rain, Rain Swoosh of wind inebriates She weaves plaits of bamboo, grass, Ushering in monsoon. Dr. Ketaki Datta is an Associate Professor of English in W.B.E.S. She is a novelist, poet, translator, reviewer and critic. Her novels “A Bird Alone” and “ One Year for Mourning” are widely reviewed and acclaimed. Her books of poems are “Across the Blue Horizon” [Published from U.K.]and “ The Music of Eternity”. Her translated novel, “ The Last Salute”[Shesh Namaskar] and her anthropological volume “ Oral Stories of the Totos” are published by Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi.
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