Two Britons held in Iraq very likely dead -media

  • 12/15/2022
  • 17:35
  • 4
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LONDON, July 29 (SPA) - Two of three remaining Britishhostages held in Iraq since May 2007 are "very likely" to bedead, media reports said on Wednesday, citing the victims'families. The two men, security guards who were working in Iraq, wereamong five Britons seized by a militant group from inside an Iraqi Finance Ministry building in a raid in Baghdad. The bodies of another two of the five, Jason Creswell andJason Swindle Hurst, were handed over by their captors in Junebut there was no news then of the fate of the remaining three. BBC radio reported on Wednesday that the families of two ofthe three remaining hostages were told by British officials lastweek it was "very likely" the pair were dead. A spokeswoman for the Foreign Office refused to confirm ordeny the reports, which were also carried in other Britishmedia, saying the government would "not discuss operationaldetails of cases". "We continue to work intensively for the release of thehostages still held in this highly complex case, and areextremely concerned for their safety," she said. A source told Reuters that relatives of the two men -- namedby the BBC as Alan McMenemy from Scotland and Alec Maclachlanfrom Wales -- were expected to make a statement later onWednesday. The Foreign Office said it could not disclose details of anyconversations with the families but said it continued to "keepfamilies closely informed whenever there is new information". Since the Britons -- computer instructor Peter Moore and hisfour bodyguards -- were seized in May 2007, several videos ofthem in captivity have emerged. In March, Britain's Channel 4News television said a video showed a healthy-looking Moore. In February 2008, another video featuring Moore was aired byDubai-based Al Arabiya television in which he called on BritishPrime Minister Gordon Brown to free nine Iraqis in return forthe hostages' freedom. Britain was an ally of the United States in the invasion ofIraq in 2003, but has now withdrawn all but about 500 troopsfrom the country.--SPA

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