Serb rail workers, clergy, to shun Kosovo authorities

  • 12/15/2022
  • 18:47
  • 7
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KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Kosovo, March 03 , SPA --_ Serb rail workers inKosovo blocked a freight train Monday and the Orthodoxprelate ordered his clergy to ignore state authorities andEU officials, in another sign that the Serb minority wasdetermined to shun the new nation, AP reported. About 50 Serbs employed by Kosovo's railroad met at asmall station in Zvecan, a town in the north of Kosovowhich is part of an area dominated by the Serb minority. They said they would refuse to work for Kosovo's railwaycompany and demanded to be transferred to Serbia'sstate-owned railroad. Another group of protesters blocked a freight train frompulling out of the station. Meanwhile, Archbishop Artemije _ who heads the SerbianOrthodox Church in Kosovo _ ordered his clergy toimmediately cease all contacts with Kosovo's newauthorities and with the EU mission being deployed to theregion. Serbia has rejected Kosovo's declaration of independencelast month, vowing to maintain control over theSerb-populated areas. Belgrade has encouraged Kosovo Serbsto disobey the authorities in Pristina. --SPA

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