China, Japan to cooperate on solution to Myanmar crisis amid international outcry

  • 12/15/2022
  • 19:18
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BEIJING, Sept 28, SPA -- Myanmar's deadly military crackdownprompted protests and warnings from the reclusive nation'sAsian neighbors, with China and Japan agreeing Friday tojoin efforts to help end the strife, reported ap. Southeast Asian nations issued a statement expressing«revulsion» over the violence and urged the militarygovernment to seek a political solution. Officials inneighboring Thailand said airplanes were on standby toevacuate foreigners in case the condition deteriorated. In Geneva, diplomats said the U.N. Human Rights Councilwould call an emergency session on Myanmar after a petitionled by Western countries gained the support of one third ofthe body's 47 nations. Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda said he agreed in aphone conversation with his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabaoto work together on international efforts to solve thecrisis. «I asked that China, given its close ties with Myanmar,exercise its influence (to help solve the current crisis)and Premier Wen said he will make such efforts,» Fukudatold reporters in Tokyo on Friday. China is Myanmar's main economic and political ally, whileJapan is its largest aid donor. At least 10 people have been killed in two days ofviolence in Myanmar's largest cities, including a Japanesecameraman who was shot when soldiers with automatic riflesfired into crowds demanding an end to 45 years of militaryrule. Exile groups say the toll could be much higher. Daily demonstrations that started Aug. 19 have grown intothe stiffest challenge to the ruling generals in twodecades. Hundreds of people have been arrested, snatched from theirbeds at night or pummeled with batons, witnesses anddiplomats said, with the junta ignoring internationalappeals for restraint. China has so far refused to intervene, calling theprotests an internal affair that didn't threaten regionalor global stability, the criteria for action by the U.N. Security Council. However, Peking University Southeast Asia expert LiangYingming said China needed a stable Myanmar to ensure orderon its southern flank and the delivery of oil supplies viaa cross-border pipeline. «China's diplomacy is more pragmatic. They are concernedmainly about securing a government that is friendly towardChina to protect their interests in Myanmar.» However, Liang said the international community may beoverestimating China's influence over the regime, echoingearlier statements by Chinese academics and diplomats. China's Foreign Ministry on Friday issued a notice urgingcitizens traveling to Myanmar to exercise caution andreconsider their travel plans. A woman who answered thephone at the ministry's news division said she did not knowof any plans to evacuate Chinese citizens from Myanmar. --SPA

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