Conference on Iraq to back war on insurgents 2 Sharm El-Sheikh

  • 12/15/2022
  • 22:41
  • 4
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In opening the Iraq conference, host Egyptian ForeignMinister Ahmed Abu Gheit indicated he felt the seeminglyintractable Israeli-Arab conflict was as much a threat tothe region as Iraq's instability. "Efforts to achieve stability in Iraq cannot be separatedfrom strenuous efforts to achieve peace in the MiddleEast," Abu Gheit said in the opening address, calling fora quick resolution of "the Palestine question." The gathering in Egypt of 20 nations, including manyopposed to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, representedhard-won acknowledgment of the need for internationalcooperation to deal with the consequences of the war. "It is a world duty to save Iraq from its tragicsituation," Aboul Gheit said. While sharp difference remain on how to proceed, the 20nations have committed themselves to supporting theU.S.-backed Iraqi interim government and have alreadycompleted a draft communique, which was obtained by TheAssociated Press. In it, they gave strong backing to theIraqi government's war against insurgents.--MORE1251 Local Time 0951 GMT

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