Budapest, Oct 14, SPA -- Europe needs to reform itsagricultural policies and should maintain its good tieswith the United States, the leaders of Britain and Hungarysaid Thursday. British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Hungariancounterpart, Ferenc Gyurcsany, also endorsed the EuropeanUnion's proposed constitution, which is to be signed laterthis month by the EU's 25 member countries. Blair and Gyurcsany said in a joint article written forThursday's "Progressive Governance" meeting, a gatheringin Hungary of center-left politicians and intellectuals,that the EU's agricultural policy needed "fundamentalreform." "It ill serves our taxpayers, our farmers, ourenvironment and partners in the developing world," theysaid. They also said the EU's constitution would strengthen itsinstitutions while keeping "the free will of nations,collectively expressed," as its source of authority. "We need a union of nations, rather than a 'United Statesof Europe,"' the two leaders wrote.--more1355 Local Time 1055 GMT
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