-15-politics/Allawi and Blair discuss security in Iraq

  • 12/15/2022
  • 22:55
  • 6
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London, Sept 19, SPA -- Iraq's interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi met Sunday with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, fortalks likely to be dominated by the need to improvesecurity before Iraq's January elections. In an interview to be aired Sunday on the U.S. televisionnetwork ABC, Allawi insisted he was committed to the Jan.31 date. "We are doing our best and we are going to stick to thedate, as far as we are concerned, the Iraqis," he said,according to a transcript released in advance. "We arefour months away. And by four months, a lot of things willchange. And they will change in a positive way." Blair said Saturday that Iraq was "the very crucible ofthe fight against terrorism, against groups that areprepared to kill, or take hostages, or do whatever they canin order to prevent Iraq becoming a stable, democraticcountry." Allawi is in London en route to the United Nations GeneralAssembly in New York.--SPA1249 Local Time 0949 GMT www.spa.gov.sa/202915

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