IMF Executive Board Concludes 2016 Article IV Consultation with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2 Riyadh

  • 2/5/2023
  • 16:24
  • 4
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The IMF Executive Board of Directors noted that Saudi Arabia faces important challenges stemming from the decline in oil prices. They welcomed the authorities’ timely response, which, supported by sizeable fiscal buffers and a strong and resilient financial system, has maintained macroeconomic growth and stability. Nonetheless, the fiscal and current account balances have moved into deficit and growth is starting to slow. Directors highlighted the need for continued fiscal adjustment and reforms to strengthen and transform the Saudi Arabian economy. In this regard, they commended the authorities’ bold reform plans. Directors welcomed the ambitious reform goals announced by the authorities in Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Program, and underscored the importance of clear prioritization and sequencing of the planned reforms to reduce implementation risks and give the economy time to adjust. They supported the authorities’ plan to increase the role of the private sector in the economy by focusing on privatization and public-private partnerships, improve the business environment, develop local capital markets, encourage FDI, and support small and medium enterprises. Directors noted that continued labor market and education reforms are needed to encourage private sector employment of Saudi nationals and increase labor force participation of women. Directors agreed that a gradual but sizable and sustained fiscal consolidation is needed, and welcomed the adjustment under way. They generally agreed that balancing the budget over the medium term is an appropriate goal and encouraged the authorities to develop a credible medium-term plan to achieve this objective. They supported expenditure and revenue reforms, including continued gradual adjustment of energy prices with compensation for lower-income households, introduction of a VAT and excise taxes, containment of the government wage bill, and improved public investment management and spending efficiency. --More 01:25 LOCAL TIME 22:25 GMT

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