Islamic Summit Conference Denounces Aggressions against the Kingdom's Missions in Tehran, Mashhad 21

  • 2/5/2023
  • 17:23
  • 4
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134. The Conference expressed appreciation for the national actions and strategies, bilateral and multilateral cooperation among Member States, ongoing OIC programs and activities and concerted efforts by the General Secretariat, COMSTECH, STIO, IDB, ISESCO, ICCI, SESRIC and IAS and called upon all the stakeholders to continue their efforts to bring scientific perspectives to bear on national and international issues. 135. The Conference emphasized the need for the Member States and the relevant OIC institutions to redouble their efforts to pursue the objectives and targets of the Vision 1441 H for Science and Technology and to work towards reducing the glaring scientific knowledge gap between OIC Member States and the developed world. In this regard, the Conference stressed the need for continuing activities and programs for strengthening of R&D as part of institutional framework for Science, Technology and Innovation, national strategies for science and technology, conducting STI Foresight studies, encouraging private sector participation in R&D, promoting emerging technologies; such as nanotechnology and biotechnology, and the enhancement of quality education. 136. The Conference acknowledged the need for developing knowledge-based society and therefore, support research and technology for development in the Member States. For that purpose, it encouraged expansion and intensification of R&D activities in the institutions and centers of excellence including in the OIC subsidiary and affiliated ones in the Member States. It also encouraged the OIC institutions to facilitate and support R&D in focused areas and support business incubation based on innovation and R&D successes; and underscored the need for initiatives under OIC to preserve, compile and foster traditional knowledge of the member states and their diverse communities. 137. The Conference noted, with appreciation, the launching of the final report of the Atlas of Islamic World Science and Innovation project during the 7thIslamic Conference of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research held in Rabat on 18-19 December 2014 and encouraged the Member States to benefit from the findings and recommendations of the project for the strengthening of STI in OIC member states. It called for early finalization and operationalization of a project proposal for the COMSTECH Science Report programme, which will succeed the Atlas project in accordance with the relevant resolutions. 138. The Conference welcomed Tunisia’s hosting of the Islamic Conference of Education Ministers, in cooperation with the ISESCO, in October 2016 and invited Member States to cooperate with the host country to ensure the success of the Conference. 139. The Conference welcomed the offer of the Government of Kazakhstan to host the OIC Summit on Science and Technology in 2017 in coordination with COMSTECH Secretariat and OIC General Secretariat. 140. The Conference commended the increasing interest of the Member States in the ‘OIC Educational Programme: Solidarity through Academia in the Muslim World being pursued by the General Secretariat. It expressed appreciation for the public and private sector universities in the member states which have offered scholarships under the Programme. It invited Member States to generously support the initiative and actively participate in the Educational Exchange Programme which also involves faculty exchange, short term student exchanges, research collaboration and vocational training. --More 20:04 LOCAL TIME 17:04 GMT

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