141. The Conference welcomed the resolutions and decisions adopted by the Islamic Conferences of Higher Education and Scientific Research, including the 7th Islamic Conference of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Rabat, 18-19 December 2014) and welcomed the adoption of Terms of Reference (TOR) of the High-Level Quality and Accreditation Committee on the implementation of the document on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in the OIC Member States. 142. The Conference called upon all Member States to continue their efforts for quality education that promotes creativity, innovation and research and development and in this regard promote collaboration, academic interaction and exchange of knowledge between their academic institutions. 143. The Conference expressed support for the efforts by the OIC universities - the Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh, the Islamic University in Niger (IUN), the Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) and the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), for the development of quality education, human resources and physical infrastructure. It acknowledged the challenges facing the two universities in Africa and encourages voluntary financial assistance to these universities by Member States and other financial institutions. 144. The Conference commended the Government of Bangladesh for taking up the initiative of allowing female students in the IUT and commended approval of the first phase of the female dormitory project (four out of ten storeys) at its own funding contribution. It also expressed support for the second phase of the project and expansion of the academic scope of the University and upgrade its R&D and other facilities. 145. The Conference welcomed the adoption of the OIC Strategic Health Programme of Action 2014 - 2023 (SHPA) by the 4th Islamic Conference of Health Ministers held in October 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia, which provided a framework for more collaborative efforts and international cooperation for addressing various health challenges facing the OIC Member States. It called upon all Member States to take the necessary measures to implement the SHPA. The Conference expressed hope that the implementation of the SHPA will facilitate progress towards the attainment of SDGs. 146. The Conference urged the OIC General Secretariat to further strengthen its cooperation with the WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, and other international partners in areas such as immunization against infectious diseases, controlling epidemics, promoting self-reliance in the supply and production of medicines and vaccines, mother and child health protection, and developing inter-sectoral collaboration in health protection. The Conference took note of the contribution being made by the Global Fund in eradication of diseases and in health systems strengthening. It encouraged member states to extend financial support to the Global Fund for effective coverage of its health related activities. Considering the recent devastating effects of the Ebola Globally, affecting particularly some Member States of the OIC, and the fact that the disease still has the potential to resurface again, the Conference called for joint Islamic solidarity in the fight against Ebola and urged OIC Member States to support other Ebola affected Member States. 147. The Conference commended Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, the three most affected countries of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in the Mono River Basin in West Africa and the international community for resilience and efforts in eradicating the scourge, and expressed strong support for the joint post-Ebola Recovery Strategy to put the three countries on track for their socio-economic revival and called upon those countries that continue to impose travel restrictions on nationals of those countries to ease such embargoes which are deemed to be discriminatory. --More 20:17 LOCAL TIME 17:17 GMT www.spa.gov.sa/w
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