Saudi Arabia, China issue joint communiqué on establishing comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries 5 Riyadh

  • 2/5/2023
  • 18:21
  • 4
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- The two sides emphasize the importance of achieving a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East in accordance with the Arab peace initiative and UN relevant resolutions to ensure the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to establish an independent and unified Palestinian state with full sovereignty with its capital in East Alquds, and the Chinese side expressed appreciation for the Saudi contribution to promotion of peace in the region, and the Saudi side praised the Chinese efforts to support the just causes of the Palestinian people and China's support for peace efforts in the Middle East. - The two sides expressed grave concern over the seriousness of the situation in Syria, stressing again the need to find an urgent peaceful political settlement of the Syrian issue and the full implementation of the first Geneva statement reached on June 30, 2012 and the two statements of the year 2015 on the meetings of the Vienna International Panel on Syria and UN Security Council Resolution No. 2254; they also stressed the importance of continuing to provide humanitarian assistance and relief work for Syrian refugees and encourage the international community to provide more support for the Syrians inside and outside Syria. - The two sides emphasize their firm stance on Yemen's unity, independence and sovereignty and call on Yemenis to preserve national unity with their various social, religious and political components, spectra and currents and not take any decisions that would dismantle the social fabric of Yemen and incite internal strife. The two sides stressed their support for legitimacy in Yemen and UN Security Council relevant resolutions as well as the Gulf initiative on Yemen. - Both sides agree that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Peoples Republic of China have wide-ranging interests in many important regional and international issues and will intensify coordination and cooperation at the United Nations and the Group of 20, other international organizations and multilateral forums. The two sides confirm that the issue of reform of the UN Council Security requires consultations among all member states to push it with balanced steps and reaching a consensus on a larger scale in order to find a solution package. The Saudi side supports the Chinese side's hosting of the Group of 20 in 2016 and will make joint efforts with them for the success of the summit. --More 23:23 LOCAL TIME 20:23 GMT

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