Saudi Arabia, China issue joint communiqué on establishing comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries 3 Riyadh

  • 2/5/2023
  • 18:21
  • 4
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Third, the scientific cooperation field: - Both sides are keen to continue to adhere to the principle of mutual benefit and joint gain for practical cooperation and activation of the role of the mechanism of the Saudi-Chinese joint committee for cooperation in economic, trade, investment and technical fields so as to constantly enrich the elements of cooperation, expand mutual investment and continue to deepen cooperation in the field of infrastructure and good dealing with mutual projects in the areas of railways, roads, bridges, ports, telecommunications and others. - The two sides express their appreciation for launching cooperation in the areas of space, launch of satellites, and peaceful use of nuclear power and new energies and the achieved results by this cooperation, stressing their willingness to continue to push forward the continuous development of cooperation in question. - The two sides express their welcome of consultation in the framework of cooperation in the building "the economic belt of the Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road in the 21st Century," confirming the existence of huge potential for practical cooperation between the two countries and their willingness to enhance coordination and improve the policies of productive force to support the transfer of technology and the development of sectors and diversify the economy . - The Chinese side stresses praise of the participation of the Saudi side as a founding member in the creation of "the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)." The two sides are keen to enhance cooperation in the relevant fields and make joint efforts to push development and renaissance in Asia region. Fourth, the security field: - The two sides stress their categorical rejection of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations which threaten peace and stability in various parts of the world and their willingness to enhance security cooperation in this regard, and confirm their refusal to link terrorism with any religion or doctrine. The Chinese side expresses its appreciation for the Saudi efforts in the establishment of the United Nations Centre for the fight against terrorism, and its support for all efforts by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other countries in the face of terrorism. --More 23:05 LOCAL TIME 20:05 GMT

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