أنطولوجيا طريق الحرير | قصائد نانوية من أجل أفريقيا |151 | فيكتور كليكوف | روسيا

  • 2/17/2023
  • 00:00
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PhD. Victor Klykov, a Russian poet, writer, translator, journalist and researcher, former engineer, economist, diplomat, lives in Austria and Russia. Since 1983 to 2000 he was in the service of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) in Vienna in the senior diplomatic positions. During this time he was leiter of many fesibility studies for industrial and economic development projects meistens for african countries such as Algeria, Angola, Camerun, Chad, Ghana, Kenia, Nigeria, Togo etc. In 1998 -99 he was the UNIDO Representative in Algeria. After retirement he started his tatigkeit as a poet and writer, and organiser of litteratur activities. Since than he published 7 poetry and prosa books, became a member of Writers’ union of Russia, the poetic union DOOS (voluntary society for the protection of the dragonflies), as well as the Austrian P.E.N. clubs etc. The founder and president of the literature club “The Russian Poetry in Austria” (Russian Cultural Institute of Vienna). He has many publications in international, Russian, Austrian, Chinees and Checs litaratur magazins and anthologies. Author of seven poetry and prosa books: “Feelings and Impressions” (Vienna, 1992), “Touch of the Russian Heart” (Moscow, 2001), “Poetic Mosaic” (Moscow, 2009), “Life is Poetry, Poetry is Life” (Moscow, 2015) in Russian, “Inspiration” (Moscow, 2003) in German and Russian, “In the flight of Poetry“ (Vienna, 2017) in German. Drafter and publisher of the anthology “Viennese Palette” (Vienna, 2011) of the literatur club “Russian Poetry in Austria” in many languages – which won the first price of the international competition “Literary Olymp”. He is as well the first prize winner of “Literaturnaja Gaseta” (2005, Russia) for the Russian writers who live abroad. He has medals of honour of the famous Russian writers A.S.Griboedov, V.V.Majakovskij from the Writers’ union of Russia, etc. Participant of international festivals in Russia, Byelorussia, Austria, Germany, Czechia and Egypt . In the years 2009 and 2010 he represented Russia at the European festivals of the poetry in Austria. Nano Poems *** lock of the wet haze caught at the lamp post like a chiffon scarf and from the forest behind the road suddenly blew softly drew a breath of chilly air. Femme– mirage Elle est comme le vent: Elle se déplace. Sahara bouge, Sahara danse. Elle est légère Elle a de l‘audace. Sahara bouge, Sahara danse Elle est la tendresse, Elle est ardente Sahara bouge, Sahara danse. Elle s’approche de moi! Elle me traverse. Sahara bouge… Et elle s`en va? Женщина-мираж Она – как бриз И как волна. Сахара движется слегка. Она легка, Она смела. Сахара движется слегка. Она нежна, Но горяча. Сахара движется слегка. Она подходит ближе, да! Она проходит сквозь меня. Сахара движется всегда… Она уходит, как волна? (Russian translation by autor)

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