A statement issued by the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) refutes some claims regarding incidents in Yemen 4 Riyadh

  • 2/25/2023
  • 09:50
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A statement issued by the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) regarding the claim that the Coalition Forces bombed (a vehicle carrying workers) in (Munbah) district of (Saada) governorate on (02/01/2018) With regard to what was stated in the letter of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions, that the Coalition Forces on (02/01/2018) bombed (a car carrying workers) in the (Munbah) district of (Saada) governorate, killing (7) and wounding (2), the car and part of the road were destroyed. JIAT vetted the incident, and reviewed all documents, including Procedures and Rules of Engagement, Air Task Order, Daily Mission Schedule, After Mission Report, video recordings of the mission, satellite images, interviewing and listening to the statements of the relevant personal, provisions and principles of International Humanitarian Law and its customary rules, and assessment of evidences, JIAT found that: 1. (Munbah) directorate is in the north western part of (Saada) governorate, and it is the closest directorate of (Saada) to the international borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2. Coalition Forces received Intelligence information from inside of Yemen, stating that there were combat elements from Al-Houthi armed militia on a vehicle in (Munbah) directorate of (Saada) governorate, heading to attack defensive sites inside the borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is considered to be a legitimate military target that the destruction of it would achieve a military advantage based on Article (52), paragraph (2) of the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions, and customary rule (8) of the International Humanitarian Law. 3. The Coalition Forces achieved verification levels through ground sources, based on customary rule No. 16 of international humanitarian law, which reported that fighters from Al-Houthi armed militia were riding a vehicle in (Munbah) district of (Saada) governorate, heading to attack defensive sites inside the borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, at (6:32) am on Tuesday (02/01/2018), the Coalition Forces carried out an aerial mission against a legitimate military target (fighters from Al-Houthi armed militia) using one guided bomb that hit its target. 4. The Coalition Forces took all feasible precautions to reduce casualties and collateral damage by targeting in an isolated and devoid of civilian objects, using a one guided bomb, in accordance with Article (57) of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions and customary rule No. (17) of International Humanitarian Law. 5. JIAT studied the post-targeting satellite images, and the targeting video of the military target, and found the following: a. The military target (combatants from Al-Houthi armed militia) was (7) km from the nearest border of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, near an unpaved road, and isolated from residential areas. B. A group of individuals were seen to get off a vehicle on an unpaved road and dispersed over the mountain when they heard the airplane. C. The targeting was focused on the military target (fighter elements from Al-Houthi armed militia). D. Neither the vehicle nor the road was targeted, as the claimed, and the targeting was on the fighter elements of Al-Houthi armed militia. In light of that, JIAT reached the following: 1. The procedures taken by Coalition Forces, in dealing with the legitimate military target (fighter elements of Al-Houthi armed militia) in (Munbah) district of (Saada) governorate, were correct and in accordance with the International Humanitarian Law and its customary rules. 2. The Coalition Forces did not target (a road) and (a vehicle carrying workers) in the (Munbah) district of (Saada) governorate on (02/01/2018), as stated by the claim. --More 21:08 LOCAL TIME 18:08 GMT 0046 www.spa.gov.sa/w1284942

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