The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0204 GMT. CURRENCIES VS U.S. DOLLAR ` Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move Japan yen 114.320 114.24 -0.07 Sing dlr 1.358 1.3564 -0.10 Taiwan dlr 27.775 27.803 +0.10 Korean won 1182.900 1180.4 -0.21 Baht 32.600 32.57 -0.09 Peso 50.290 50.25 -0.08 Rupiah 14210.000 14225 +0.11 Rupee 74.235 74.235 +0.00 Ringgit 4.181 4.18 -0.02 Yuan 6.383 6.3851 +0.04 Change so far in 2021 Currency Latest bid End 2020 Pct Move Japan yen 114.320 103.24 -9.69 Sing dlr 1.358 1.3209 -2.71 Taiwan dlr 27.775 28.483 +2.55 Korean won 1182.900 1086.20 -8.17 Baht 32.600 29.96 -8.10 Peso 50.290 48.01 -4.53 Rupiah 14210.000 14040 -1.20 Rupee 74.235 73.07 -1.58 Ringgit 4.181 4.0400 -3.37 Yuan 6.383 6.5283 +2.28
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