-21-politics-Czech president appoints new Cabinet

  • 12/15/2022
  • 23:04
  • 7
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Prague, Aug 4, SPA -- Czech President Vaclav Klausappointed a new Cabinet on Wednesday, reshuffling thegovernment a month after the former prime minister resignedover his party's crushing defeat in European parliamentaryelections. New Prime Minister Stanislav Gross, appointed as premierlate last month, leads the new Cabinet. He succeedsVladimir Spidla, who stepped down as prime minister andleader of his Social Democratic Party after its poorshowing in June's European vote. Gross had served as interior minister in Spidla'sgovernment and is currently the acting chairman of thecenter-left Social Democrats. The Social Democrats, who won elections two years ago on apro-EU ticket, won a mere 8.8 percent of the vote in June'sballoting, earning them just two of the country's 24 seatsat the EU's legislature. The opposition Civic DemocraticParty won 30 percent, or nine seats. Although Gross had promised his Cabinet would besignificantly different from the previous one, the lineupannounced Wednesday included only a few new faces. "This Cabinet was born somewhat unexpectedly," Klaussaid during a swearing-in ceremony at Prague Castle,acknowledging that the last government made it only midwaythrough the usual four-year term. "I see that there are not many new faces in this Cabinet,but I still believe that this team under the new primeminister ... will attempt something new," Klaus said.--more1517 Local Time 1217 GMT www.spa.gov.sa/188851

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