Joint Statement Issued Following Egyptian President's State Visit to Saudi Arabia

  • 2/10/2023
  • 04:20
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Riyadh, Mar. 08, 2022, SPA -- A joint statement was issued on the outcomes of the state visit of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as follows: "Within framework of deep historical and solid relations, bonds of kinship and common destiny binding the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Republic of Egypt, His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi of the Arab Republic of Egypt paid an official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Tuesday March 08, 2022. At King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, the Egyptian President was received by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. HRH the Crown Prince accompanied the Egyptian President to meet the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. Upon arrival at the Royal Court, an official reception ceremony was held. In an atmosphere of brotherhood that embodies the depth of the distinguished relations between the two brotherly countries, an official session of talks was held between HRH the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, and His Excellency the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt. During the meeting, the solid historical relations between the two brotherly countries were reviewed. The level of cooperation and coordination between the two countries at all levels was highly valued. The two sides reviewed ways to develop relations in all fields in a way that enhances and achieves the interests of the two countries and the two brotherly peoples. The two sides discussed the latest developments at the regional and international arenas, affirming unity of stances and common destiny towards all regional and international issues of common interest. On the political side, the two sides affirmed their determination to enhance cooperation as regards all political issues and seek to develop common stances that preserve their security and stability as well as the importance of continuing coordination and consultation on the latest developments at all bilateral and multilateral forums in order to achieve security, stability and prosperity in the two brotherly countries and the region as well. The two sides exchanged views on issues of common interest at the regional and international arenas, affirming the importance of coordinating their stances to serve their interests and enhance security and stability in the region and the world at large. They also stressed the importance of joint Arab action, citing the Arab League's role within the framework of strengthening mechanisms of joint Arab action in order to resolving the region's crises in accordance with the relevant international resolutions and the principles of international law. The two sides asserted their continuing support for achieving peace in the Middle East and the importance of reaching a comprehensive settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in accordance with the two-state solution, relevant international legitimacy resolutions, and Arab Peace Initiative, in a manner that guarantees the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state on the 1967 parallel with Eastern Al-Quds as its capital. They also stressed the importance of concerted international efforts in providing humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people. The two sides affirmed that Arab security is an indivisible whole, stressing the importance of joint Arab action and full Arab solidarity to preserve Arab national security with the Arab states' capabilities that qualify them to assume this responsibility, which requires all Arab countries' commitment as well as the two brotherly countries' role to support security and stability in the region. The two sides also affirmed their rejection of any attempt by regional parties to interfere in the internal affairs of Arab countries, or threaten their stability and undermine the interests of their people, whether that is through tools of ethnic and sectarian incitement, or tools of terrorism and terrorist groups, or through expansionist perceptions that do not respect the sovereignty of states and the principles of respect for good neighborliness. The two sides agreed to continue fighting terrorist organizations in the region in all their forms, reviewing the efforts made in this regard. The two sides condemned attempts to undermine the security and threaten safety of navigation in the Arabian Gulf, Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Red Sea, affirming the importance of ensuring freedom of navigation in these pivotal sea routes and the need to firmly address any threat to the regional and international security and stability. The two sides also expressed their rejection of the Houthi terrorist militia's continuing threat to maritime navigation in the Red Sea, citing that the Houthi terrorist militia's possession of qualitative military capabilities can not be overlooked, as it is a direct threat to the security of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the countries of the region. The two sides affirmed their keenness to enhance cooperation between the two countries, especially in the military field, and to strengthen the strategic relations and partnerships. With regard to the Yemeni issue, the two sides praised the congruence of their views on continuation of efforts to find a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis, based on the GCC initiative and its executive mechanism, the outcomes of the comprehensive national dialogue conference and the UN Security Council Resolution No. 2216. The Egyptian side praised the initiative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to end the Yemeni crisis and alleviate the human suffering of the brotherly Yemeni people. The two sides welcomed the issuance of the UN Security Council Resolution #2624 for the year 2022, in which the Houthi militia was classified as a terrorist group, in addition to expanding the embargo on the delivery of weapons to Yemen to include all members of the terrorist Houthi group. At the same time, the two sides praised the great role played by King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) to alleviate the human suffering of the brotherly Yemeni people. With regard to the Iraqi issue, the two sides expressed hope to see an Iraqi government formed to continue working for the security, stability and development of Iraq, terrorism eradicated and foreign interference in Iraq's internal affairs stopped. As regards the Sudanese issue, the two sides affirmed their continuing support for the success of the transitional phase in a way that contributes to preserving the political and economic gains. They also stressed the importance of dialogue between the Sudanese parties, praising the role of the United Nations and the efforts of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) to facilitate dialogue and encourage the values of consensus, strengthen the language of dialogue, revive the political process, protect the unity of ranks among all its components and achieve whatever would achieve security and stability in Sudan, wishing the country and its brotherly people stability and prosperity. Regarding Lebanon, the two sides affirmed their keenness on the security, stability and unity of the Lebanese territories and the importance of continuing efforts aimed at preserving the Arab identity, security and stability of Lebanon, supporting the role of the Lebanese state institutions, and carrying out the necessary reforms to ensure that Lebanon overcomes its crisis, and that Lebanon does not become a starting point for any terrorist acts or an incubator for terrorist organizations and groups that destabilize the security and stability of the region, and that it should not be a source or transit point for drug smuggling. With regard to the Syrian issue, the two sides stressed the importance of reaching a political solution to the crisis in Syria that fulfills the aspirations of the Syrian people and preserves Syria's unity and territorial integrity. They also stressed the need to limit the regional interference in the Syrian issue in a way that threatens the security and stability of Syria, its territorial integrity and the cohesion of its social fabric, underscoring the need to support efforts of the UN Special Envoy for Syria. With regard to the Libyan issue, the two sides stressed the need to preserve Libya’s stability, unity and territorial integrity, and affirmed support for all efforts aiming at reaching a (Libyan-Libyan) political solution, and for all Libyan parties to agree with each other to move towards the future in the interest of Libya and its people without any dictates or outside interference. The two sides stressed the importance of supporting the role of the Libyan state institutions and assuming their responsibilities. In this context, they valued the procedures taken by Libya's House of Representatives, as it is the elected legislative body, that expresses the brotherly Libyan people, and entrusted with enacting laws, granting legitimacy to the executive authority, and exercising its oversight role. They also stressed the need for the foreign forces, mercenaries and foreign fighters to leave within a specific time frame in implementation of the Security Council Resolution No. 2570 and the outcomes of Paris Summit, Berlin Conference 2, the mechanism of Libya's neighboring countries, the League of Arab States and the African Union. They also stressed the need for the 5 + 5 Joint Military Committee to continue its work and the commitment of all parties to stop military actions in order to preserve the security and stability of Libya and the capabilities of its people. The Saudi side affirmed its full support for the Egyptian water security as it is an integral part of the Arab water security, and urges Ethiopia to abandon unilateral policy in connection with international rivers, and to abide by its commitments under international law, including the Declaration of Principles Agreement signed in 2015, which would not take any unilateral measures regarding the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, and the need to cooperate in good faith with Egypt and Sudan to reach, without delay, a binding legal agreement on the rules of filling and operating the reservoire, in line with the statement issued by the Security Council in September 2021. The Egyptian side expressed full solidarity with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in all measures it takes to protect its national security. The Egyptian side also affirmed its rejection of any attack on the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, stressing that the security of the Kingdom and the Arab Gulf region is an integral part of the Egyptian national security. With regard to Afghanistan, the two sides stressed the need to support security and stability in Afghanistan, not to allow the existence of safe havens for terrorists and extremists there, and the need to continue international efforts to combat terrorism. The two sides expressed the importance of supporting relief efforts and humanitarian work in Afghanistan. They also stressed the importance of dealing seriously and effectively with Iran's nuclear and missile file with all its components and its repercussions in a way that contributes to achieving regional and international security and stability, emphasizing the principles of good neighborliness and respect for UN resolutions and international legitimacy, and sparing the region from all destabilizing activities. The two sides also expressed their satisfaction with the efforts exerted in the field of combating terrorism and its financing, and their joint efforts within the framework of the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC). On the security and military side, the two sides praised the level of the existing security cooperation and coordination between the two countries, and their desire to enhance this in a way that achieves security and stability for the two brotherly countries. The two sides stressed the danger of Iran’s hostile behavior towards the countries of the region and the danger of the regime’s possession of weapons of mass destruction on the region and the world, and that any international agreement in this regard must be made with the participation of the countries of the region. The two sides also expressed their rejection of the Houthi terrorist militia's continuation of threatening maritime navigation, and that these militias' possession of qualitative military capabilities cannot be overlooked, as it is a direct threat to the security of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the countries of the region. The two sides affirmed their keenness to enhance cooperation between the two countries, especially in the military field, and to strengthen relations and strategic partnerships. On the economic and commercial affairs, the two sides agreed to strengthen the economic partnership, in the investment and commercial fields, between the two countries and move it to broader horizons to live up to the strength of the historical and strategic relationship between the two countries and through achieving integration among the opportunities available through the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 and the vision of the Arab Republic of Egypt 2030. The two sides also affirmed their determination to continue the work to enable the partnership between the private sector in the two countries and to encourage and enhance mutual investments in many targeted sectors, including tourism, energy, health care, transportation, logistics, communications, information technology, real estate development and agriculture. The two sides expressed their aspiration to attract their private sector expertise to future mega projects in the two countries. They also stressed their keenness to facilitate any challenges facing their investments in both countries. The two sides also agreed to continue coordination and cooperation in the field of marine environment protection, enhance trade exchange between the two brotherly countries, and the importance of raising the level of yacht tourism and facilitating its passage through the Suez Canal through a number of initiatives between the two sides. The two sides praised the volume of intra-trade between the two brotherly countries, which reflects the depth and the sustainability of economic relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Egypt. They also stressed the importance of continuing to work on both countries development through regular holding of the Joint Business Council and the exchange of visits and trade delegations. In the field of energy and climate change, the two countries welcomed the signing of the electrical interconnection projects, which took place in October 2021, and looked forward to benefiting from these projects in the trade exchange of electric energy and increasing the local content in these projects to serve the interests of the two countries. The Kingdom also welcomed Egypt's hosting of the 27th session the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, expressing confidence in its success in hosting this event, and stressed the importance of continuous cooperation to reach comprehensive solutions and an agenda that supports the interests of developing countries, and to enhance cooperation on international climate policies. Egypt welcomed the Kingdom’s launch of the Green Saudi Arabia and The Green Middle East Initiatives, and expressed its support for the Kingdom’s efforts in the field of climate change through the application of the circular carbon economy approach. The two sides expressed their aspiration to enhance cooperation in areas of common interest, including clean energy and reducing carbon emissions from the oil and gas sector, including the carbon capture and storage technology. The two sides also welcomed discussing ways of cooperation in the field of hydrogen, developing technologies related to hydrogen transport and storage, and exchanging expertise and experiences to implement best practices in the field of hydrogen projects. The two sides also stressed the importance of enhancing cooperation in a number of areas, including energy efficiency, renewable energy, innovation and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence in the energy sector, developing clean technologies to use hydrocarbon resources in various applications in the industrial and construction fields, and developing local content by contributing to the identification of products and services that have priority in the field of energy sectors components and work to localize them to raise the domestic product, in addition to developing human capital, as well as exploring opportunities for cooperation in the field of training, skills development and exchanging experiences for specialists in all activities of the petroleum industry. The two sides also emphasized the priority issues of adaptation and enhancing the ability to deal with the negative impacts of climate change as well as the sustainable management of resources and coastal areas. The two sides also agreed on the need for developed countries to implement their commitments within the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Regarding education, the two sides welcomed the raising of the level of scientific and educational cooperation between the two countries, in their belief that education is a basis for building and advancing human capabilities, and a major driver of economic growth and sustainable development. The two sides also stressed the importance of expanding cooperation in the fields of higher education, research and innovation, and encouraging direct relations between universities and scientific institutions in the two countries, and the two sides stressed the need to support the continuity of education in times of crises and to provide comprehensive and high-quality education for all. On the health side, the two sides expressed their determination to enhance the existing cooperation between them in the fields of health and encourage the exploration of new opportunities, especially in the areas of combating global epidemics and pandemics, and investing in the health sector, digital health and other health fields of common interest. The two parties also affirmed their keenness to support initiatives global response to current and future health threats and challenges such as the International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response, and the ACT-Accelerator. Regarding sports, tourism, social and cultural matters, the two sides affirmed their keenness to enhance and develop cooperation and establish joint programs in the fields of sports and youth. The two sides stressed the importance of raising the pace of cooperation in the tourism field, developing the tourism movement between the two countries, and enhancing joint work in the field of sustainable tourism, which benefits the tourism sector. They agreed to enhance cultural cooperation between the two countries, including participating in cultural events and exhibitions for each country, and unifying the visions and orientations of international organizations related to cultural affairs, especially with regard to intangible heritage files. The Egyptian side also expressed its support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia bid to host World Expo 2030 in Riyadh, stressing that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has sufficient capabilities to hold a distinguished version of the World Expo with the best levels of innovation and to provide an unprecedented experience in this global event. At the conclusion of the visit, President Abdelfattah El-Sisi of the Arab Republic of Egypt, expressed thanks to and appreciation of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, for the warm reception and generous hospitality accorded to him and the accompanying delegation during their stay in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud wished President Abdelfattah Al-Sisi, and the Egyptian people further progress and prosperity. Issued in Riyadh on Tuesday 5/8/1443 AH corresponding to 3/08/2022." --SPA 23:21 LOCAL TIME 20:21 GMT 0034

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