Ipsos: 72% of Saudis Believe Their Country Is on the Right Track

  • 11/21/2017
  • 00:00
  • 10
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A recent Ipsos-conducted survey of 26 countries entitled “What the World worries about? “concluded that the majority of the people of these countries at a rate of 59% think their countries are going the wrong direction. However, the results of Saudi Arabia, along with China and India, showed positive results with the peoples of these countries approved the direction their countries are moving in. The study showed that 72 percent of Saudis believed their country was moving in the right direction and trusted its decisions. Last month, Saudi Arabia announced the its vision for transformation 2030, which sees through transforming the Kingdom into a leading global model in various aspects of life by focusing on bringing value chains into the industry and technology within the initiative. Riyadh also announced another development project in August, under the name "Red Sea Project", which aims to develop tourist resorts on an area of ​​34 thousand square kilometers between the cities of Amlaj and the face west of the country. Saudi Arabia plans to develop resorts on about 50 islands off the kingdom’s Red Sea coast backed by its Public Investment Fund (PIF). The Red Sea Project, to be built between the cities of Amlaj and al-Jawh, will offer a nature reserve, diving in coral reefs and heritage sites. It will break ground in the third quarter of 2019 and complete its first phase in the fourth quarter of 2022.

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